Amiga Antivirus Support - Virus Help Team - Denmark & Canada
Denmark & Canada
Charlene, please contact me. Regards Jan . . .

Welcome to Virus Help Team - Amiga Antivirus website

The Virus Help Team is an organisation setup with the aim of finding the latest viruses and removing them from circulation. This is why this site has been set up. You will be able to download the latest versions of Amiga antivirus programs, and gain necessary information on how to prevent and remove the latest viruses on your Amiga. Virus Help Team in Denmark are still alive and kicking, and we have just celebrated Virus Help Team's 29'th anniversary

Our objectives are:
  • To fight and prevent the spreading of computervirus
  • To aid users with virus relate problems
  • To support all known antivirus programmer with virus
  • To be a NON-PROFIT group
  • To find virus programmers and have them convicted
  • Keeping the Amiga alive

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Virus Help Team

Virus Help Team
Denmark & Canada
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